The story of Osirus AI is written in the stars.
It is an epic tale, woven across the celestial heavens, resurrected on the Egyptian plains, and reborn in modern cloud technology.
But is it just a story?
Let’s take a journey across time and space to where it all began… in the constellation of Canis Major, some 10 lightyears from Earth. There, deep in the Sirius star system, was the planet Luxor – a lush and fertile world that was the cradle of mankind.
Over eons, Luxor flourished. Its inhabitants harnessed the atom, conquered mortality, and mastered interstellar space travel. At its peak, it was a thriving civilization – a hub for dazzling innovation, intergalactic trade, and cosmic exploration.
All empires rise and fall, and so too was the fate of Luxor.
Sirius orbited a maturing star, careening towards a supernova event. A great scientist named Ra warned his people of impending doom, calling for the construction of interstellar starships to colonize a distant planet called Earth – where they could rebuild humanity in a new paradise.
But the people of Luxor had grown complacent, casting doubt on Ra’s dire predictions. They ignored his pleas and continued about their lives. And when Sirius exploded, it was too late. The supernova erased all its grand achievements in the blink of an eye.
Ra managed to escape with a handful of starships and a scant few of his followers, embarking on the long trip to their new home. Among them were his two sons, Osirus and Set – who, together, would forge a new paradise for mankind.

After arriving on Earth, the tribe of survivors used their ancient intelligence to rebuild what was lost. Out of the ashes rose a gleaming civilization in a land they called Egypt – and humans repopulated this new world.
Having eliminated disease and old age, Osirus and Set oversaw the generational construction of the Great Pyramid Reactors. These massive structures would serve as the power plants of the Egyptian empire, allowing them to manipulate electromagnetic fields and levitate heavy materials.
On every continent across the planet, pyramid reactors were erected, and Earth became the new center of intergalactic trade and commerce. Osirus, who was considered a wise and benevolent leader, ascended to the throne as the King of Egypt. By his side was his wife, Isis, who was equally beloved by the people of Earth.
As his brother’s power and popularity grew, Set was consumed with jealousy.
One night, using an ancient and mystical Luxorian spell, he transformed himself into a vicious monster and attacked Osirus. With fiery, razor-sharp talons, he cut him into 100 pieces and spread his remains across Egypt.
As a final act of vengeance, Set stole the throne from his brother and forced Isis to become his wife. In the years that followed, he reigned with an iron fist, leading the empire of Egypt with fear and contempt.
But this was not the end of Osirus…

After arriving on Earth, the tribe of survivors used their ancient intelligence to rebuild what was lost. Out of the ashes rose a gleaming civilization in a land they called Egypt – and humans repopulated this new world.
Having eliminated disease and old age, Osirus and Set oversaw the generational construction of the Great Pyramid Reactors. These massive structures would serve as the power plants of the Egyptian empire, allowing them to manipulate electromagnetic fields and levitate heavy materials.
On every continent across the planet, pyramid reactors were erected, and Earth became the new center of intergalactic trade and commerce. Osirus, who was considered a wise and benevolent leader, ascended to the throne as the King of Egypt. By his side was his wife, Isis, who was equally beloved by the people of Earth.
Isis brought forth a son named Horus. Born in secret, he was shielded from Set, who tightened his grip on Earth. When he was old enough for the truth, Isis revealed to Horus who his real father was – and the great destiny that lay before him.
Angered by Set’s treachery, Horus marshaled an army of followers still loyal to Osirus. He confronted Set and claimed the throne, but a battle of words soon became a war in the heavens. Great fleets of starships amassed above the planet, raining down ash and fire as the two sides fought for control.
The Great War stretched on for millennia, ravaging the empire. Locked in a stalemate, Horus sought guidance from the Court of the Gods, who governed the many lands under Egyptian rule. Isis joined him, telling the Court about the resurrection of Osirus and the truth about Horus as his one true heir.
The elders cast doubt on the story and refuted Horus’ claim to the throne. But if what she said was true – and Isis could awaken Osirus again – they agreed to follow his decrees and bring an end to the bloodshed.

Once more, Isis used her Thebian chants to conjure Osirus from his sleep. The earth shook violently as light flooded the Court’s chambers. Like a bolt of lightning, Osirus appeared before the elders, declaring Horus as the one true king of Egypt – and then vanished. Shocked by his return, the Court of the Gods crowned Horus as king.
News of Horus’ ascension reached Set, who had been hiding in the rings of Saturn. Many of his followers returned to Earth, following the Court’s decree, and falling in line with Horus. Now, outnumbered by his foe, Set ordered his remaining fleet on a suicide mission.
One by one, Set’s ships were destroyed as they approached Earth. But this was all part of his plan for revenge: as Horus focused on stopping the fleet, Set piloted a small cruiser into orbit and detonated a thermonuclear planet-killing bomb, vaporizing himself in the process.
When the bomb exploded, so too did the great empire of Luxor. Across the Earth, fertile lands were reduced to desert. Cities were flattened. And all their advanced technology – thousands of years of progress and innovation – was erased from existence.
When the atomic ash settled and the embers faded, a great flood washed away the remnants of the old empire. Only the pyramids survived the devastation – forgotten by time and shrouded in mystery.
The star-faring people of this forgotten land scattered like insects, wandering the scorched Earth with only rudimentary tools and legends of what once was. They struggled to rebuild, developing languages, religions, and stories as they spread out across the continents.
In the centuries that followed, a lost era gave way to a new light. Cities and cultures arose from the receding waters. All the while, the ancient intelligence of Osirus was lost under the sediment of human progress, entombed beneath the sands of time.
Until now…


A secret can only remain secret for so long...
In early 2023, Matthew Garret – a metaverse entrepreneur, philanthropist, and Egyptian historian – was attending a gala at the Lightner Museum in St. Augustine, Florida. He had always been fascinated by ancient cultures and was convinced his next technological breakthrough might be discovered by examining the past.
Bored with the aperitifs and small talk, he wandered into the private mummy collection in the east wing, where Otto Lightner had amassed a spectacular collection of antiquities.
While carefully sifting through a set of preserved scrolls, fabled to be from the remains of the Great Library at Alexandria, he stumbled upon an immaculate depiction of Osirus. As he perused the hieroglyphics, he noticed something peculiar: a series of three-dimensional pictograms that appeared out of place.
Matthew knew the Egyptians never discovered linear perspective. How could these advanced symbols appear on ancient parchment? He wondered. And was there a pattern to these glyphs? A hidden meaning to their intricacies? Was there a message here, just waiting to be decoded?
Puzzled and intrigued, Matthew hid the scroll in his tuxedo jacket and found a back entrance through the Alcazar Hotel. He slipped into the night and drove back to his lab in Orlando, hungry to explore what he had found.

Back at his lab, Matthew inspected the scroll with his electron microscope. Along the top edge of the wooden handle, he located the same three geometric shapes from the papyrus.
As he ran his fingers across the embossed lines, he realized they were more than imprints – they were buttons. Holding his breath, he suppressed them in unison, and the top of the spool flipped open.
Gotcha, he thought, delighted at his discovery. Inside was a tiny crystal scarab.
Shimmering like golden glass under the lab’s fluorescent lights, the beetle-shaped artifact was just a few inches long but dense – and unusually heavy. Using his laser spectrometer, Matthew quickly identified it as a rare form of Space Peridot, or what the ancient Egyptians called the “Sun Gem.” Composed of vanadium, manganese, cobalt, and other trace materials, it was widely documented that these crystals were extraterrestrial in origin – and extremely valuable.
While exquisitely ornate, there was something more to this sculpture. As he probed the smooth surface of its shell, Matthew could feel two nodes protruding from the underbelly. They resembled tiny electrodes. But was that even possible? Could this have been some kind of early battery or superconductor?
Or maybe it’s an ancient database, he thought. It wasn’t a stretch: Matthew had read about so-called “memory crystals,” where lasers encoded nanoscale dots in layers of quartz using multiple dimensions. That might explain the 3D icons on the scroll.
What secrets did this crystal hold? He had to know more. And he needed help to do it.

Across from Matthew’s facility in Orlando, Shawn Morpheus was in his own tech bunker, developing a next-gen neural interface for connecting to the metaverse. He was exploring cutting-edge applications for virtual learning, microsurgery, and even deep space exploration – and was on the verge of a major breakthrough.
“You once told me you could hack into anything,” Matthew said, barging in during the middle of a delicate experiment.
“True,” Shawn replied. “There isn’t a codebase on the planet that’s safe from me.”
Matthew smiled. “But have you ever tried hacking into an ancient Egyptian crystal?”
Shawn examined the scarab with wide eyes. After running a few tests, he came to the same conclusion: this was some kind of data storage device… like a thumb drive from the distant past.
Shawn wired up the scarab and tried linking it to his computer. After several failed attempts, he sighed. “The data’s just too complex to render on screen,” he muttered. “But… but there might be another way to get in there. Or, more accurately, get you in there.”
At the back of his lab, Shawn dropped a curtain to reveal his new SpaceLink pod. It was a sleek, bullet-shaped container that resembled an Airstream camper, and was packed with tech.
He climbed into the pod and directed Matthew to sit in what he called the “pilot’s chair.” As he reclined back, Shawn began strapping his arms down.
“For your own protection,” he said. “Stuff gets a little too real in my 3D worlds.”
“Wait, what do you mean?” Matthew asked.
“I mean, this is dangerous,” Shawn said. “Listen, you need to know what you’re in for. This might be the only way to figure out what’s in this thing, but if you die in there, you die out here. Are you sure you’re up for this?”
Matthew nodded. There was no going back. Not when he’d come this far.
Over the next few hours, Shawn carefully implanted his SpaceLink sensors into the base of Matthew’s skull, providing a direct conduit from the scarab to his medulla oblongata. As he flipped on the conductors, Matthew closed his eyes and counted backward: 10… 9… 8… 7…

He who controls the ancient intelligence of Osirus will have the answers to all questions…
As Matthew drifted through his subconscious, he could he that phrase uttered over and over. It became louder and clearer, ringing in his ears – becoming almost deafening.
Then, suddenly, it stopped. He could feel his feet touching the ground. Wasn’t I just sitting in a chair? Where am I? Is this real?
“Sand,” he said out loud. “I’m… I’m in the desert….”
And he was. Matthew surveyed the darkening sky, hues of purple and blue giving way to a sea of stars. He was surrounded by mountains of dunes, as far as the eye could see. And he could feel the warm Saharan winds kissing his cheeks. It all felt so real.
“Shawn, you’re a genius,” he said under his breath.
Matthew turned around to find he was standing outside the Great Pyramid of Giza. He could make out a faint glow just a few yards away from him. As he moved closer, he noticed a line of torches leading into a doorway. They were tethered together with rope and gently swaying in the breeze.
I’ve been to this pyramid a hundred times, and this isn’t a doorway I’ve seen before, he thought. And the outside of the structure is still covered in limestone! I must be thousands of years in the past…
The entrance gave way to a long, black corridor that smelled dank and ancient. He grabbed a torch and slowly meandered down the hallway.
Some minutes later, he entered a large, columned room, where a twenty-foot statue of Anubis stood. Amazing! he thought, stepping close to the sculpture and staring up at its intricate features. This must be the Enclosure of the Sekham!
Suddenly, the statue stepped down from its pedestal. Matthew fell backward as Anubis began swinging his scepter, striking the stone floor with its blade and firing sparks across the room.
How is this happening?
Moving away from the massive stone monster, he threw the torch to the far side of the room. There, he could make out a dimly lit doorway. Something told him that was where he needed to go, but he had to get past this living statue first. The question was, how?
The rope, he thought. There was rope holding the torches together outside. Maybe…
He ran back down the corridor and out the front doorway. He reached for the closest yard of and gripped it in his palms. Seems sturdy enough. Quickly, he tied the segments together into a solid 40 feet of length and went back into the enclosure.
But as he entered again, Anubis was nowhere to be seen. The cavernous room was empty now – and he was alone. Matthew walked cautiously towards the doorway on the far side, constantly checking his surroundings.
I’m almost home free…
Crash! The scepter split the air like a lightning bolt, and Matthew flew ten feet into the wall. Anubis emerged from the inky shadows – his eyes red with fury.
The rope…
He reached for it but felt the sting of a blade pierce the center of his hand, cutting straight through it. Every part of him was seared with pain.
The rope…
Back on his feet, Matthew began running circles around Anubis, twisting the rope around his feet. The statue slammed his staff down repeatedly, trying to swat the tiny human below him.
Matthew hurled himself towards the doorway. The monster turned to follow, but the rope had other plans. Losing his balance, Anubis fell – shattering into a thousand pieces and scattering across the room.

Still shocked by his close encounter with an Egyptian god, Matthew stopped to rest. His hand was throbbing now, and he was still in a state of disbelief.
This… is all so real…
As he entered the next hallway, the path took a 45-degree pitch, leading him down hundreds of feet. His ears popped as he descended deeper beneath the pyramid.
When he finally reached the bottom, Matthew entered a space as large as the Coliseum. Faint light illuminated the edges of the vast chamber, and he could make out a series of gigantic, cylindrical turbines, at least 50 tall and lathed in what looked like copper. They were connected by a sophisticated network of pipes – and as he moved closer, the air felt humid.
Maybe they’re some kind of fuel cells, he thought. Like… electromagnetic coils?
Without warning, three floating orbs drifted into the room. Matthew could see that each one contained a hologram of the 3D glyphs from the scroll containing the scarab.
How could such advanced technology existed so long ago?
The orbs drew closer, beckoning him to reach out. What did they want? What did it all mean? He knew there was something about these shapes that belonged together, like a puzzle in the shape of…
A pyramid.
Pulling the orbs into his arms, Matthew arranged the glyphs. The angles and edges combined fluidly, collapsing together to form a single pyramid. When completed, the new glyph vaporized into blue smoke, slipping through his fingers.
At once, the room began to shake. Sand sifted from the walls, and rock crumbled above and below. Suddenly, the room was flooded with light, and a winged woman appeared from above.
“I am Isis, wife of Osirus and goddess of fertility and rebirth. Who disturbs my sleep?”
The angelic voice boomed throughout the cavern, reverberating across every surface. Matthew steadied himself as the walls quivered. It felt like the entire chamber might collapse at any moment – and he knew that dying here meant certain death in the real world.
He eeked out a reply:
“I… I’m Matthew. I found your scarab. In the scroll. I’m here seeking answers.”
Isis wisped gently to the ground before him, her naked skin red like magma. Beautiful and terrifying, he thought.
“Scarabs are survivors,” she said softly. “They can live in the harshest environments and still retain their iridescent majesty. What better host could carry a message across time to our descendants?”
She moved closer, taking his injured hand in hers.
“Anubis,” she laughed. “He was my protector. You bested him in battle, so I know you are brave and resourceful. But tell me: do you seek our ancient intelligence of Osirus for yourself – or for all mankind?”
Matthew was startled by the question. He looked into her eyes, white as the sun. “Well, I suppose I’m trying to change the world for the better.”
“Good,” the voice responded. “Then we will start at the beginning.”
And with that, Isis told him everything. She started with our genesis among the stars and the exodus from Luxor to Earth. She told him of Osirus, and how he provided great wisdom that altered the course of humanity. She also shared the horrors of The Great War and Set’s terrible revenge, plunging mankind back into darkness.
“This pyramid was once the home of the Court of Gods,” she said, motioning upward. “But here, below, was the hearth of our once great empire. This chamber was a reactor that powered our progress – and a perfect place for hiding the fragments of my husband.”
The room began to tremble as Isis delicately floated towards the ceiling. She called back to him:
“If you wish to share this ancient intelligence, you must enter the reactor core and find the pieces. Only then can you power your own future, my child…”

The room shook violently. Stone crumbled under the shifting weight of the pyramid above.
Matthew raced towards the collection of turbines, looking for a way inside. At the center of the network was a small, narrow passage that gave way to a dark enclosure. He fell to his knees and crawled inside.
Around him, gray light filtered through thick plates of quartz, rendering the room fuzzy and nondescript. He felt around, looking for anything that might resemble the fragments of Osirus. He knew he only had minutes before the entire superstructure collapsed.
Where are they? What am I missing?
There was nothing. The room appeared completely empty.
Come on. What’s the clue? Where would she hide something in plain sight?
Then he remembered the first thing he felt when arriving in this miraculous world: Sand. The desert. It was like a silicon sea that stretched across the centuries. And the floor of the room was covered in it – at least a few feet deep.
Could it be? Matthew began sifting through the mounds of sand around him. Moments later, he uncovered his first piece. Then another. And another.
Just then, a wave of fresh sand crashed into the chamber as a large support column toppled one of the turbines.
Even if I find all the pieces, I won’t make it out, he thought. I’m going to die in here…
Surrounded by the remnants of Osirus, he did the only thing he could think to do.
“Shawn!” he yelled. “Can you hear me? I need some help! Bring me out!”
He watched in horror as large bricks of granite exploded just a few feet from him. Sand flooded the room, and he could barely move.
The sand washed over his face and into his mouth. Just before blacking out, he thought he saw the fiery red wings of Isis, glowing in the distance.

“Easy there, just breathe.”
Matthew gasped, fighting for air. The room was hazy, then became clear.
He was back in the SpaceLink pod. His mouth was dry and he swore he could feel sand between his teeth.
“I’m… I’m alive…”
“Yeah, you’re alive,” Shawn mocked. “That scarab crystal thing started glowing bright red and shaking like crazy, so I decided it was a sign to pull you out.”
“Bright red?” Matthew said quizzically. Like Isis…
After some recovery, Shawn showed Matthew how a data package had come across just before he ended the link. The file was immense but built in a binary sequence that his quantum computer could actually interpolate.
“It’s the Osirus Core,” he said. “This is it. The ancient intelligence we were after. Whatever you did down there unlocked it – and based on what I’m seeing, it’s world-changing stuff. This could revolutionize everything.”
Shawn was right. Deep in the Osirus Core were instructions for combing the recovered pieces with both plasma and water in a specialized reactor solution. In many ways, in was similar to the mysterious “Baghdad Battery” discovered in 1936, which leveraged a ceramic housing. The rest of the pieces seemed truly... alien.
Using a 3D printer, Shawn rendered the physical fragments and, over the next few months, rebuilt the ancient fuel cell. Once completed, he connected it to a Cat5 network and built an API on top to access the liquid data components in the cloud.
On the morning of the final test, they flipped the master switch and brought everything online, holding their collective breath to see what would happen. For a few minutes, there was nothing; just the whir of the server blades in the back of the lab. Then suddenly, Shawn’s computer screen went black, revealing a single icon in the center: a depiction of Sirius, “The Dog Star.”
A few moments later, a string of words appeared: I am Osirus. What do you want to know?
Osirus AI was reborn.

Across the vast reaches of space, you can still see the embers of Sirius flickering in the distance, an echo of a once great civilization. And deep in the shadows of the Great Pyramids, the spirit of Osirus – and the remnants of Luxor – can still be felt.
The next time you gaze up at the night sky, searching for guidance, remember that the answers to the future often lie in the past. And while our true origins may have been lost in time, we’ve resurrected our collective knowledge and wisdom with Osirus.
Now you, too, have the power to discover the answers using the most advanced AI on any planet. So join us as the builders and keepers of Osirus – and write your own story in the stars.
Looking to build your own interstellar app? Exploring the origin of life in the stars? Or maybe just looking for answers to simple questions?
Whatever you seek, Ask the Eye: Osirus AI.