Osirus Options

October 31, 20233 mins

Osirus is a powerful bot widget that offers a wide range of configuration options that allow you to customize the bot's behavior, appearance, and functionality, as well as providing quick access to important project information, making it a valuable addition to your website or app. In this blog post, we'll dive into the various Osirus options, giving you insights into how to fine-tune your bot's settings. 

Here's an overview of the key Osirus options you can explore:

namestringRequired. A bot name will appear at the top of the widget and will be a unique identifier if it is registered on the platform in the future.“OsirusBot”
companyNamestringOptional. The company name will replace your bot name in the UI.“Osirus”
companyIconUrlstringOptional. Your company logo will appear in the widget header.“https://bot.osirus.ai/images/Osirus-Icon.svg”
customColorstringOptional. You can provide a hex color to customize the widget buttons."#006FE5"
descriptionstringOptional. Your company description will appear in the widget header.“Osirus AI is an easy-to-use JavaScript plugin for embedding a customizable chatbot on your app or website, powered by AWS.”
phoneNumberstringOptional. This will activate the call button.“123-456-7890”
emailstringOptional. This will activate a mailto button that opens the user's default email client.“info@osirus.ai”
docUrlstringOptional. This value will activate a button and will open a window to view your docs in the same page.“https://osirus.ai/docs/api”
apiDocUrlstringOptional. This value will activate a button and will open a window to view your API docs in the same page.“https://osirus.ai/docs/api”
supportobjectOptional. You can use the format below to include your support button.{ type: "page", value: "https://osirus.ai/support" }
support.type'page' | 'email'When set to page, the button will trigger a redirection when clicked by users, whereas if it's set to email, it will initiate a mailto action.“page”
support.valuestringDepends on your type above, you can provide either an email address or an URL to your support page.“info@osirus.ai” or “https://osirus.ai/support”
schedulestringOptional. You can provide your operational hours in any format and it will appear in a section in the widget.“M - F, 8:30AM - 5:30PM EDT”
addressobjectOptional. You can use the format below to include your address.{ streetAddress: '123 Orange Ave', city: 'Orlando', state: 'FL', postalCode: '38235', country: 'USA' }
address.streetAddressstringThe street address of your physical location.“123 Orange Ave”
address.citystringThe city where your physical location is situated.“Orlando”
address.statestringThe state or province of your physical location."FL"
address.postalCodestringThe postal code or ZIP code for your physical location.“38235”
address.countrystringThe country where your physical location is located.“USA”
showMapbooleanOptional. This will activate a map preview feature that will display your address in your widget but be aware that you need to provide your Google Map API Key.false
googleMapApiKeystringRefer to the Google Maps documentation for further guidance on how to get an API key: Google Maps API Key Documentation“AIzaS...x2E_k”
popupMessagestringOptional. This will activate a popup message that will appear for all visitors to your website.“Hi! 👋 I'm Osirus, an AI assistant. \n How can I help you today?”
customOptionsobject[]Optional. You can create custom buttons in your widget following this format[{ icon: 'people-group', label: 'Careers', link: 'https://www.solodev.com/careers', openNewTab: true }]
customOptions[index].iconstringWe use Font Awesome version 6 for icons. To find any icon, refer to this link: Font Awesome Icons and then provide the name.“building”
customOptions[index].labelstringThe label for your button“About us”
customOptions[index].linkstringThe URL you want the button to link to.“https://osirus.ai/about”
customOptions[index].openNewTabbooleanIf set to true, clicking this button will open a new tab. Default is false.false

Below, you will find an example of how to initialize the widget and all the available configuration options:

  name: string,
  companyName: string,
  companyIconUrl: string,
  customColor: string,
  description: string,
  phoneNumber: string,
  email: string,
  docUrl: string,
  apiDocUrl: string,
  support: {
  	type: 'page' | 'email',
  	value: string,
  schedule: string,
  address: {
  	streetAddress: string,
  	city: string,
  	state: string,
  	postalCode: string,
  	country: string,
  showMap: boolean,
  googleMapApiKey: string,
  popupMessage: string,
  customOptions: [
  		icon: string,
  		label: string,
  		link: string,
  		openNewTab: boolean,

Each of these options allows you to tailor Osirus AI to your project's specific requirements, making it a valuable asset for engaging your users and providing them with the information they need.